AEW 100 is a multifunction power meter. There are functions like RS485 communication and Lora communication on 470MHz. With build-in MODBUS-RTU protocol, AEW100 can match most of the system integrate requirement. AEW100 has the advantage of higher accuracy, more compact and easy installing.
1. all electric parameter measurement
three phase U,I,P,Q,S,PF,F,etc.
accuracy: 0.5s / 1
2. multi-rate function
2 sets of time tables, 14 rate segments, 4 time zones
3. demand function
current demand and maximum demand of the month
4. harmonic measurement
2nd-31st voltage/current sub harmonic content
Total content of split phase harmonic, split phase fundamental voltage and current
harmonic voltage and current
5. historical electric energy
last 12 months historical electric energy, include positive and negative electric energy
6. extremum functions
last 3 months extremum and the occurrence time
last 20 days temperature extremum and the occurrence time